What is CVC?

Consumer Voices for Choices is an organization dedicated to supporting pro-consumer financial issues and products.

We are here to AMPLIFY THE VOICES of the countless Americans who are struggling when it comes to their pocketbooks.

When consumers run into trouble financially, their options are limited and many are not effective, or worse, end up costing them more money than they had when they started.

We are working to build a better environment where our households’ financial needs take center stage – not the desires of banks, businesses, or the government.

We are organized around these key principles:

  1. We must be heard from our community banks and local credit unions to state legislatures and halls of the Capitol in Washington D.C.
  2. We deserve access to a wide range of safe and proven tools to secure our financial wellbeing
  3. We support effective, consumer-centric financial products to help us manage our finances and create new opportunities
  4. We support government regulations that protect us from those who could harm our financial wellbeing in favor of their own profits
  5. We oppose predatory financial products to prevent companies from benefiting from the misery of Americans

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